Glossary » kitchen roll
kitchen roll
Can kitchen roll go in the organic waste bin?
Kitchen roll can generally be disposed of in the organic waste bin as long as it is not contaminated with harmful substances such as chemicals, cleaning agents or other non-biodegradable substances. Clean or only slightly soiled kitchen roll can be disposed of in the organic waste without any problems, as it is biodegradable and composts well.

Kitchen paper is an indispensable helper in every household. We use it to wipe up spillages, dry our hands and much more. But what happens to used kitchen paper? Can it be safely disposed of in organic waste or are there special rules for its disposal? To answer this question, let’s take a look at what organic waste actually is.
What is organic waste?
Organic waste is a collective term for all organic waste that comes from living organisms. This includes plants, animals, microorganisms and all waste that comes from them. Organic waste is important for the composting process and the nutrition of plants.
What is kitchen paper?
Kitchen roll is a paper product made from cellulose and is therefore organic waste. However, kitchen roll should only be placed in the organic waste bin in small quantities and sorted by type. Make sure that the used kitchen roll is not contaminated with chemicals, oils or other non-compostable substances.
Is Zewa organic waste?
Zewa, a widely used brand of kitchen paper, is usually also made of cellulose and is therefore biodegradable. Zewa is therefore also organic waste, provided it is not contaminated with harmful substances. Used Zewa tissues that soak up food waste or drinks, for example, can be disposed of in organic waste.
Environmentally friendly use and disposal of kitchen roll
Even before you start using and disposing of kitchen towels, you can take environmentally friendly measures to minimise your use of resources and stay close to nature.
Avoid excessive use of kitchen roll. Try to use kitchen paper sparingly and use reusable cloths instead wherever possible. Use unbleached and as environmentally friendly kitchen roll as possible to minimise the impact on compost. Make sure that the used kitchen roll is not contaminated with chemicals, oils or other non-compostable substances.
What is the environmental impact of disposing of kitchen paper in organic waste?
Unlike waste paper, kitchen paper cannot be recycled as it consists of very short wood fibres. It should therefore not be put in the paper bin. In organic waste, on the other hand, kitchen paper can be completely broken down as it consists of organic materials.
For hygiene reasons, used kitchen towels should not be disposed of in paper recycling bins, as they may be soiled with food residues. Disposing of them in organic or residual waste bins is a better choice.
Overall, disposing of kitchen paper in organic waste is an environmentally friendly option, as it can be composted and pollutants are avoided. However, care should be taken to ensure that it is not mixed with other waste such as plastic or glass, as these are not compostable.
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