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What can go in the organic waste bin? A brief overview

The disposal of organic waste in the organic waste garbage can makes a major contribution to a sustainable future. Through recycling in specially created facilities, the organic waste is either recycled in the form of compost or used to generate energy.

However, this can only succeed if you pay close attention to which waste can be disposed of in the organic waste garbage can. You can find out all the basics in our article on the organic waste garbage can. Here we explain what can and cannot be disposed of in the organic waste garbage can.

All this can be put in the organic waste garbage can

You can use the organic waste garbage can to dispose of separately collected organic waste from your home and garden. This is also referred to as biowaste. This refers to waste of animal or plant origin. This includes, for example, waste from the garden, from park and landscape maintenance, but also food waste and other kitchen waste made of biodegradable material.

But what kind of waste can be put in the organic waste garbage can? Here is a non-exhaustive list:

But beware: The disposal depends on your place of residence. We will explain why further down in the text.

Can I dispose of compostable organic waste bags in the organic waste garbage can?

Due to an excessively long composting time of some suppliers, bioplastic bags or organic waste bags were previously counted among the so-called foreign materials in the waste. The long composting times were caused, for example, by bags that were too thick or insufficient quality of the raw materials used. For this reason, bioplastic bags were banned by many German municipalities or criticized in many reports.

With the new amendment of the BioAbfV (Biowaste Ordinance), a composting time (rotting time) of 6 weeks in an industrial composting plant will be required in the future for biowaste and thus also biowaste bags. This is good news, because our organic waste bags already meet this criterion!

Our organic bags not only comply with EN 13432 certification, which proves that our bags are fully compostable, but also carry DINplus, OK compost HOME and OK compost INDUSTRIAL certification. These certificates from independent testing facilities, and specifically the DINplus certification, prove that our products are already proven to be fully composted in less than 6 weeks when disposed of via the organic waste garbage can in an industrial composting facility.

Another plus point of the new amendment to the BioAbfV: With the DINplus certification that will be required in the future, biobags no longer count as foreign matter and should therefore be allowed to be disposed of via the organic waste garbage can.

What is not allowed in the organic waste garbage can?

Materials that are not biodegradable have no place in the organic waste garbage can. This means that the material does not decompose under the influence of bacteria and enzymes alone. In our article “Biodegradable, compostable, biobased, recyclable – meaning and difference” we explain to you which requirements a material has to meet in order to be biodegradable.

For your concrete disposal decision in everyday life, this means that you should never throw the following things in the organic waste garbage can:

But here, too, there are exceptions to the rule. Therefore, be sure to check out the section on the differences between states and municipalities as well as the “Frequently Asked Questions” section.

Is compost better than the organic waste garbage can?

When you hear organic waste, you quickly think of compost. Especially for gardening fans, the question inevitably arises whether the compost is not the better alternative to the organic waste garbage can.

For your own purposes, compost is good to use. If you have a garden or raised bed where you can use the compost, your own compost pile is good for disposing of plant organic waste. However, you should rather dispose of animal organic waste, such as fish or meat scraps, via the organic waste garbage can, because animal waste can attract rats and other uninvited guests.

In the best case, you can simply use the compost and the organic waste garbage can in parallel.

Are there differences between the states/municipalities as to what can go in the organic waste garbage can?

In fact, there are different regulations between the various municipalities and local authorities as to what in detail may be disposed of via the organic waste garbage can. This depends primarily on whether the local municipality operates a composting plant or a bio-digestion plant. These different recycling plants have different technical requirements that determine what kind of organic waste can be recycled there and what must be sorted out.

In concrete terms, the waste disposal statutes of your home municipality regulate what you can dispose of in the organic waste garbage can. You can usually access these waste disposal regulations online. However, your local waste disposal center or city hall can also provide information.

Tips for handling the organic waste garbage can

Odors, maggots in the organic waste garbage can, frozen organic waste – sometimes the organic waste garbage can is less fun than it should be. That’s why we’ve put together a few tips on how to handle your organic waste garbage can.

1. What to do against maggots in the organic waste garbage can?

Maggots and also the formation of odors are common problems when you have garbage cans in the garden. That is why we offer our 120 liter and 240 liter liner bags for organic garbage cans and residual waste garbage cans. The bags are compostable and ensure a clean organic garbage can without maggots and odor.

You can find even more information and tips in our article: “Maggots in the organic waste bin: What to do?”

2. The rule is: the less moisture, the cleaner the garbage can.

So use kitchen paper or newspaper to wrap food that is heavily watered. Line the bottom of the garbage can and collection container with paper to absorb moisture or use compostable liner bags.

3. Odor nuisance from organic waste

To prevent odors from organic waste in the kitchen, take organic waste directly to the organic waste garbage can instead of collecting it for a long time.

4. Organic garbage can in the shade

Place the organic waste garbage can in the shade to prevent the contents from heating up due to sunlight, which can cause odors.

5. Protect from frost

Find a sheltered place for the barrel, where it is also protected from frost.

6. Avoid pressing and plugging

Avoid pressing and stuffing the contents. The more compacted the waste is in the garbage can, the faster putrefaction processes start, which support the formation of odors.

7. Animal based foodstuffs

Wrap animal foods in newspaper to prevent flies from laying eggs on them. This is how you prevent maggots and other vermin.

8. Clean your barrel

Clean your garbage can regularly. You can use ground coffee or vinegar to remove bad odors.

Frequently asked questions: What can be put in the organic waste garbage can?

Sometimes you are unsure which garbage can is the right one. That’s why you can find the answer here for specific examples of whether certain things can be disposed of in the organic waste garbage can or not.

Yes, you may throw small amounts of newspaper into the organic waste garbage can. For example, as a display for the floor or to wrap food scraps to soak up moisture.

You can find more information on this topic in our glossary article:

Newspaper in the organic waste bin
Julia Hain


Can you put newspaper in the organic waste bin? In principle, newspaper is biodegradable and can therefore be thrown into the organic waste bin even

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Yes, lawn clippings may be placed in the organic waste garbage can. To avoid odors, let the grass dry out first.

If you would like to delve deeper into the topic, our glossary will help you:

may lawn clippings be put in the organic waste garbage can
Julia Hain


Can lawn cuttings go in the organic waste bin? Pros and Cons Lawn cuttings are a common form of organic waste that regularly accumulates during

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Leaves may also be disposed of in the organic waste garbage can, but they should be free of impurities and slightly dried.

You can find out more in our glossary article:

leaves in the organic waste bin
Julia Hain


Can you put leaves in the organic waste bin Leaves consist of plant material that decomposes well and is therefore also considered organic waste. When

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Food leftovers are usually unproblematic. However, with cheese, for example, you should make sure that the rind is not coated with plastic. Always dispose of food without packaging. For milk, cream and broth, it is better to dispose of them in a PET container, for example, in the residual waste.

You can find details on this topic in our glossary:

food scraps in organic waste
Julia Hain

food scraps

Food scraps in organic waste – What belongs in the organic waste bin? Do you often wonder what to do with all the leftovers? The

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Kitchen paper may be disposed of in the organic waste garbage can. However, if the paper is heavily soaked with grease, the residual waste garbage can is the better choice.

Our glossary article provides a comprehensive overview of this topic:

kitchen roll organic waste
Julia Hain

kitchen roll

Can kitchen roll go in the organic waste bin? Kitchen roll can generally be disposed of in the organic waste bin as long as it

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Cat litter and small animal litter do not belong in the organic waste garbage can. This is because the litter is contaminated by animal feces. This contains bacteria that have a negative effect on the compost.

Want to find out more? Then take a look at our glossary article:

cat litter in organic waste
Julia Hain

cat litter

Can you put cat litter in the organic waste bin? If the cat litter is made from natural materials such as wood shavings, clay or

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Whether soil can be put in the organic waste garbage can depends on its composition. Small amounts of soil without plastics are not problematic. However, large quantities of soil make composting more difficult. If the soil contains many stones, bricks or the like, it must be disposed of in a separate landfill.

If you would like to delve deeper into the topic, our glossary will help you:

can soil be put in the organic waste bin
Julia Hain


Can you put soil in the organic waste bin? Soil, including potting soil, does not belong in the organic waste bin. The main reasons for

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Whether bones may be disposed of in the organic waste garbage can depends on the municipal regulations in the waste disposal statutes.

If you would like to delve deeper into the topic, our glossary will help you:

bones organic waste
Julia Hain


Bones in organic waste – what you should know Wondering if bones are allowed in the organic waste bin? The answer is yes, but there

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As a rule, meat scraps in the organic waste garbage can are not a problem, unless your municipality specifically excludes this in its waste disposal statutes. However, it is better to wrap the meat scraps in some paper. Flies prefer to use animal waste to lay their eggs.

Our article gives you an overview of the topic:

meat in organic waste
Julia Hain


Can you put meat in the organic waste bin? Yes, meat scraps can be disposed of in the organic waste bin in normal household quantities.

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Because of the possible contamination with bacteria and worms, feces should not be thrown in the organic waste garbage can.

It is best to check your waste disposal regulations to find out whether small quantities of cooking oil can be disposed of in the organic waste garbage can in your community. Large quantities of cooking oil should be collected in a PET bottle and disposed of in the residual waste garbage can. Some municipalities have their own oil collection points.

Ash contains substances unsuitable for biowaste recycling, for example lead, zinc and cadmium in high concentrations. This has a negative effect on compost quality because the heavy metals in this quantity damage plant growth. That is why ash must not be put in the organic waste garbage can.

Do you still have questions? Our glossary article will provide you with more information:

Ash in the organic waste bin
Julia Hain


Can ash be put in the organic waste bin? No, ash doesn’t belong in the organic waste bin. In general, ash, whether wood ash from

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Clean garbage cans with bio bags for the organic waste garbage can

The correct separation of waste makes a major contribution to sustainable waste disposal. With the organic waste garbage can, you can dispose of organic waste as sustainably as possible. If you want to keep your garbage can as clean and odor-free as possible, you are on the safe side with the organic waste bags in the sizes 120 liters or 240 liters. The organic bags from BIOvative are 100 percent compostable and biodegradable within six weeks. That is why our products carry the certificates “Keimling”, DINPlus as well as OK compost INDUSTRIAL and OK compost HOME.

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